Wednesday's 5:30 pm 

Tai Chi Gung
local classes

Click this link to sign up for
live online classes with
Tai Chi Gung
Master David.
His live classes are 4 x week.   (recordings are available 24/7)  
Get 7 a day free trial for
any level of class.
Use coupon code SHABDSANGEET
to get 50% off your first month.

207 W. Unaka Ave
Johnson City, Tenn.
your investment: $20/class

Inner Harmony through 
a "Simple Yoga"

Tai Chi Gung, or “Simple Yoga,” welcomes people of all ages and fitness levels. This ancient art of fluid movement embraces the philosophy that less is more – we follow the flowing chi inward to awaken our innate regenerative power.

Tai  Chi  Gung 
a  gift  from
Mother  Nature,
and Angels

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what is tai chi gung?

What are a few tai chi benefits with this gentle moving meditation practice?

Originally called  "Simple Yoga"  3,300 years ago

The graceful, deliberate motions of Tai Chi Gung help improve balance, flexibility, and strength while promoting calmness, patience, and relaxation.

In today's hectic world, stress relief techniques are needed to calm our turbulent minds. Among Tai Chi benefits are a sense of inner peace and tranquility.

Tai Chi Gung is a gentle moving meditative practice that incorporates slow, fluid movements with a balanced breath that brings "Chi", or life giving energy into the body. 

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Tai Chi Gung
a gift of
Fluidity in Motion
Mother Nature

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